Tuesday, March 15, 2011


1. Man should have love for God, fear of sin and morality in society. These are natural qualities of a human being. These three virtues impart great value to humanness. Since man today has forgotten Truth and Duty, his value as a human being has declined.

2. What exactly is the secret of ensuring peace and prosperity for mankind! Rendering service to others without expecting service from them in return. Karma or activity which binds is a huge fast growing tree. The axe than can cut the roots of this tree is doing every act as worship to glority the Lord. The yearning to do service must flow in every nerve, penetrate every bone and activate every cell of the body.

3. Develop love more and more. From tomorrow talk to everyone with love. Reply to every one with love. If you know the anwere to their question, reply properly; otherwise say "Excuse me, I do not know". You cannot always oblige, but you can always speak obligingly. Talk less, only then can you get rid of the animal qualities. Share you love with every one.

4. What is good and what is bad? First, eliminate the bad in you. Be in the company of good people, then you too will be good. It is a sin to point a finger at others when there is a mountain of evil within you.

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