Saturday, August 8, 2009


1. When you have hatred, jealousy and anger, it is a clear indication that you do not have love. In fact, love will not come anywhere near you if you harbour these evil qualities. When you really have love, then none of these evil qualities will touch you. Therefore, constantly practise, "LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL". Firmly adhere to this principle in your life.

2. Only those who have filled their mind with worldly thoughts talk too much. Therefore, avoid excessive talking. Maintain silence and be quiet. Talk only as much as it is necessary, If you talk more than what is necessary, it amounts to unwanted talk.

3. Do meditation with love. Without love, there can be no mediation. Unify love with truth and righteousness to attain the state of permanent meditation. Then only your love will become permanent. Otherwise, you will have only temporary love, which you will forget sooner or later. Begin your sadhana with the practice of truth and righteousness. Truth is changeless; it is intimately related with Righteousness. When truth and righteousness come together, peace will emerge from them. Love follows peace. When you have love, you will have no hatred.

4. God is eternal and omnipresent, the moment you call Him, that very moment He will manifest before you. This eternal form of divinity is the only truth. There will be no change in divinity at any point of time. You should install this form in your heart which is true, eternal and everlasting. Meditation on any form of God is good. Do not observe any differences between this form and that form be Rama, Krishna, Jesus or Sai Baba. Whatever form you meditate upon, you should permanently install in your heart. It should remain forever and should not change.

5. Sacrifiice is sweeter than enjoyment. Sacrifice should become the aim of our life. Only through sacrifice can one attain peace. Sorrows do not flee from us as long as the mind is not at peace with itself; agonies dwell forever within us. Without the tranquility of the mind, any amount of wealth can not be of any use. Surrendering the fruits of actions with a dispassionate mind is eligible to be termed sacrifice.

6. There are three main enemies of man, namely, lust, anger and greed. Lust destroys devotion; anger destroys knowledge; and greed destroys the good actions of man. They also affect his work, worship and wisdom. When we are overpowered by anger, we lose our sense of discrimination. Anger creates many types of enemities. One who is in the grip of anger will lose his sense of discrimination as to what to speak, when to speak and where to speak. Hence, do not allow anger to come near you. Do not give room to greed at all. There may be cure even for cancer, but not for these.

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