Wednesday, July 18, 2007


1. There is no need for man to seach for GOD anywhere. God is present is each and every human being. Lord Krishna says in Bhagwad Gita "All are an aspect of my Divinity". Where then would you search for God when HE is in you and with you. Whatever work you do, consider it the work of God.

2. God has blessed man with body, mind and intellect. Human beings are endowed with a healthy body, strong mind and shart intellect capable of deep thinking; but they are misusing them. Instead of thinking of God and making proper use of their limbs, they are misusing their senses. Try to see all that is good. Hearing the criticism of others and seeing all that is evil is a sin. Try to listen to good words with our ears. Man has given us tongue to sing the glories of God. Chant the name of God. Let others also hear it and redeem their life.

3. Be courteous to poor and help them. Provide help and means of treatment to those who suffer from some ailment. Extend a helping hand to those who are weak and are unable to walk. When we teach others the value of Service after putting into practice in our life it will create awareness in others.

4. God is the embodiment of love. He protects the mankind by HIS love. Draw everybody close to you with love, then you will attain proximity to God. When you look at others with love God will also look at you with love. When you treat others with love they will also show love towards you. Some show great love for outsiders but do now show the same love towards their mother and father in the house. First and foremost love your parents and then other people.

5. Do not allow anger to overpower you. Charity and kindness are an important part of righteousness. Remember:
There is no charity greater then feeding the hungry;
There are no greater gods than parents;
There is greater Dharma than compassion;
There is no greater gain than the company of the good; and
There is no enemy greater than anger.

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