Thursday, December 6, 2007


1. There are billions of people in the world. Crores of people are born in Indian alone. But the same divinity is present in all. There may be any number of people in the world but the divinity present in them is one and the same. God is the only truth, you may call by any name; but God is only one. Various names are given to the bodies; they are not the real names. Therefore, consider God as one and treasure the truth in your heart. Truth is God and propogate the truth.

2. There is no charity greater than feeding the hungry,
There are no greater Gods than parents,
There is no greater duty than compassion,
There is no greater gain than the company of the good.
There is no enemy greater than anger,
There is no wealth greater than good reputation,
Bad reputation is death itself,
There is no ornament better than the chanting of God's name.

3. Follow the call of the Divine arising from the hearts of all living beings. Serve them in an attitude of worship, not expecting something in return. Do not accept even gratitude, having dedicated all your acts to the indwelling God. This will purify you so that you shall be able to listen to the Soham (I) that your breath repeats every moment. Soham transmutes itself into Om when the distinction between He and I has dissolved itself in the process of Samdhi (demise).

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Develop Love and Truth

1. You can attain anything if only you have love. There is no wealth greater than love. Hence, develop love. You do not need to ask anybody for anything; love will supply everything and you will lack nothing. Develop love through right means. Do not follow the wrong path. Do not resort to falsehood or injustice. Do not give up forbearance because forbearance is most important.

2. Your work and conduct should set a shining example for others. The ideals set by you will be the source of sustenance for the entire world. Develop the power of discrimination to know what is true and what is false. Follow that which is true and eternal.

3. Do not depend on anybody; depend only on your Power of Self. Develop self-confidence. Once you have self-confidence, you will attain everything. True faith will take root in your heart when you develop self-confidence. Then only you will attian true power. This will strengthen love is you. Love is God. It is love which bestows all types of powers on you. Faith strengthens love. Without faith, one can not have love. Any task, be it small or big, can be performed only through love. Your faith is the basis of your love.

4. One who lacks purity can not attain divinity. For divinity, purity is essential. All your desires and aspirations will be fulfilled if you have purity and divinity. Purity of mind results in the fruition of knowledge. Purity of mind is therefore necessary. Keep your mind in a state of purity always. First and foremost, bring love in your heart to fruition. When your heart is saturated with love, then others will also be suffused with love. We shuld not hate or hurt anybody.

5. Every living being in this world, be it an animal, bird or even a small insect, has emerged from truth. Truth is present everywhere. It can manifest in you also when you think of it and contemplate on it. Therefore, you should always contemplate on truth. GOD is present in every particle, every atom in the universe. There is no place where God is not present.

6. All the people in the world are merely Zeros, only God is the hero. God is like the digit one, because of which all zeroes get value. Any number of zeros added to 1 will get value. When you take out 1, then all are reduced to zeros.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


1. God is all-powerful; God is everywhere; God is all-knowing. To adore sucha a formidable limitless principle, man spends a few minutes out of 24 hours and uses a minute idol or image or picture ! Adore Him so long as you have breath and so long as you are conscious. Have no other thought than that of God. Have no other aim than knowing His command, no other activity than translating that command into action. That is what is meant by surrender. Surrender yourself unto Him.

2. Mere acquisition of knowledge is not enough. Your knowledge may be as vast as an ocean, your common sense may be as great as the mighty Himalayas, but if you do not have discrimination, then everying is useless. Before you undertake any task, always enquire, "Is this good or bad, is this right or wrong ?" You will come up in life if you develop this quality in you. This itself is self-realisation.

3. Your discrimination is like a signal. Never ignore this signal. When you inner self tells you that something is right, you should follow it scrupulously, irrespective of what other say. Let people talk whatever they want, but we should remain steady in our mind.

4. Many people are worried about thie future. Do not brood about the past; do not worry about the future. Past is past; forget the past; do not think about it. Present is important. It is not ordinary present, it is omnipresent. Make proper use of the present, then future will definitely bring happiness and contentment.

5. One can achieve anything in life with the help of God's Grace. When you face all the test of God with total faith and do your duty; you are sure to succeed. It is not possible to describe the happiness of devotees who have unflinching faith in God. If you have such strong faith in God, He will take care of you wherever you are.

6. MONEY COMES AND GOES, MORALITY COMES AND GROWS. Develop morality. All are one, be alike to everyone. All should work with unity. Whatever you may do will be a mere waste, if you forget God. Keep God as your highest goal. God is not present in a far off land. He is present everywhere. People may say anthing, you may face any number of difficulties, but you should never forget God. Only when you have such pure, steady and unwavering devotion can you be called a devotee.

7. Your devotion should be full and total like an ocean which ever full and does not diminish at all. One the one hand, its water keep evaporating and on the other, rivers keep pouring water into it with the result that it always maintains its fullness. Make your heart like an ocean. Do not allow it to be disturbed by the waves of your desires. Any number of waves may arise, but the ocean keeps its pristine state. Hence, keep your heart always pure, steady and selfless.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


1. The youth should always be young and energetic; they should not become prematurely old by misusing the power of their senses. We become old when we lose the power of our senses. We should preserve our energy.

2. The prinicple of love is the principle of divinity, nothing else. Accept that love which comes from God. Your love for God is true love. God is the embodiment of love. Love is God. Live in Love. You should experience Divine Love and not world love.

3. First and foremost, you must have faith. You can recognise your true form only when you have faith. From faith comes peace. Truth emerges from peace, this truth is God. God does not have any seperate form. God manifests from the truth within you. You undertake many spiritual practices; inspite of all practices you are unable to experience truth. You should understand that truth is your goal.

4. Today man is engaged in the pursuite of knowledge. Knowledge is as vast as ocean. Similarly, man makes efforts to develop common sense. His common sense touches the height of Himalayan mountain. Inspite of all his knowledge and common sense, man's discrimination power is zero. What is good and what is bad ? What should be done and what should not be done ? The value of humanness depends only discrimination power.

5. It is the duty of man to speak truth and lead his life with love, adhering to the canons of Dharma (Religion). A man without truth, righteousness, peace, kindness and love is like a living corpse. Man should consider these values as his very life principle. Never tell a lie even jokingly. Never make fun of anybod. Criticising others is a great sin. There is no greater sin than criticising others. Therefore, we should not criticise anybody whosoever hay may be.
Love All. Love is God. God is Love. Love is Life.

6. For a human being, his Karma (Duty) is verily his God. God is not somewhere distant from him. He is very much present in his actions in suble form form. From microcosm to macrocosm, God is present everywhere in the form of Karma. Every human being keeps performing actions everyday. However, he should perform all actions to please God. If we perform actions with these feelings, then our actions will not bind us. God is present in every living being; be it a snake, scorpion or man. The actions of every being should be appropriate to the form it is endowed with.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


1. One can not achieve anything in life without getting rid of ego and attachment. Anything can be achieved by humilityand good conduct. One should conduct oneself with devotion in all fields of life - moral, spiritual, physical and political. Only then can one realise one's objective in life.

2. Spend your wealth only for promotion of Dharma, hold it in trust for divine activities only. Be careful in spending money. Curtail your wants, minimise your expense, Discard every habit that weakens you while impoverishing you. When you seek to acquire anything or join any company, try to discover how they will affect your life. Regard money as precious as blood, as holy as the gift of God. Earn it by truth and righteousness. Use it for promoting peace and love.

3. When you respect an individual, he will respect you in turn. But when you respect and love everyone, God Himself will respect you and love you. If you want to be respected and loved by god, you should respect and love everyone.

4. We must rise to the level which is beyond the senses. Only then can we lead a sacred life. Today youth are below the senses and are becoming a slave of their senses. One must become a Master of the Senses, not merely the Master of Science. Senses are our servants. We should not become a slave of our servants.

5. When you keep a watch on your words, actions, thoughts, character and heart, then this becomes your real watch, not the one you tie on your wrist. The wrist watch may wear out, but not the ideals indicated by the word 'watch'. They will always bring purity of thought, word and deed. How great is this word. Such noble words must be ingested and internalised. In this way, our ancient forefathers taught sacred truths and made the people ideal and noble.

6. Students today are pursuing only worldly education. Mere secular education is not good enought, it must be supplemented with spiritual education. One must develop the principle of love and must follow the path of truth. True education is that which is suffused with truth and love. Without truth and love, education is ineffective and devoid of value. Secular education is for making a living, whereas spiritual education is for attaining the the goal of life. A harmonious blend of secular and spiritual education is ideally suited to the present day world.

Friday, July 27, 2007


1. One cannot achieve anything in life without getting rid of ego and attachment. Anything can be achieved by humility and good conduct. One should conduct oneself with devotion in all fields of life - moral, spiritual, physical and political. Only then one can realise one's objective in life.

2. Do not think that God is somewhere away from you. He will not go anywhere. He will not foresake you. God is immanent in you. He is always in you, with you and around you. Hold on this truth firmly and lead a happy life. When you are alone, think "God is with me". Have firm faith "I am not alone; both God and I are together. " Develop this faith from now iteself. Then you will have no worries and trouble.

3. All should life in unity. What is the inner meaning of HINDU. H stands for humility, I for individuality, N for nationality, D for divinity and U for unity. Today man on his own considers himself great; but he cannot be called great if he lacks humanness. A real human being is one who understands the meaning of humanness and manifests it in his conduct.

4. Make your life as a human being worthwhile. True humanness is attained only by developing love. Consider love as your main life principle. Then the evil qualities of desire, hatred, jealousy can not even touch you. Money comes and goes whereas morality comes and grows; therefore promote morality.

5. There is no God higher than the Mother. The mother has the position of foremost importance in one's life. One should therefore never forget one's mother. One who forgets his mother has to face difficulties. Women should be loved and respected. There should be shown proper gratitude. Only then can man and woman attain a high status in society.

6. Every human being lives by love alone. One who has no love in him is not a human being at all. The love that exists between God and man is like that between father and son. Every one has love for God. When man recognises the truth of his divine nature, there will be no differences in human society. We should therefore recognise the divity that is immanent in one and all. This will bring an end to all differences between man and man.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


1. There is no need for man to seach for GOD anywhere. God is present is each and every human being. Lord Krishna says in Bhagwad Gita "All are an aspect of my Divinity". Where then would you search for God when HE is in you and with you. Whatever work you do, consider it the work of God.

2. God has blessed man with body, mind and intellect. Human beings are endowed with a healthy body, strong mind and shart intellect capable of deep thinking; but they are misusing them. Instead of thinking of God and making proper use of their limbs, they are misusing their senses. Try to see all that is good. Hearing the criticism of others and seeing all that is evil is a sin. Try to listen to good words with our ears. Man has given us tongue to sing the glories of God. Chant the name of God. Let others also hear it and redeem their life.

3. Be courteous to poor and help them. Provide help and means of treatment to those who suffer from some ailment. Extend a helping hand to those who are weak and are unable to walk. When we teach others the value of Service after putting into practice in our life it will create awareness in others.

4. God is the embodiment of love. He protects the mankind by HIS love. Draw everybody close to you with love, then you will attain proximity to God. When you look at others with love God will also look at you with love. When you treat others with love they will also show love towards you. Some show great love for outsiders but do now show the same love towards their mother and father in the house. First and foremost love your parents and then other people.

5. Do not allow anger to overpower you. Charity and kindness are an important part of righteousness. Remember:
There is no charity greater then feeding the hungry;
There are no greater gods than parents;
There is greater Dharma than compassion;
There is no greater gain than the company of the good; and
There is no enemy greater than anger.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

You are Blessed!

1. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness…
You are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

2. If you held up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful…
You are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

3. If you can attend a spiritual meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture
and death…
You are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

4. If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep…
You are richer than 75% of the world.

5. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet and spare change in a dish someplace…
You are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.

6. If your parents are still alive and still married…
You are very rare, even in India.

7. If you can hold some ones hand, Hug them or even touch them on the shoulder.
You are blessed because you can offer a healing touch.

8. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agency of torture or the pangs of starvation…
You are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

9. If you can read this message………
You are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.

10. You just received a double blessing that some one was thinking of you.
Have a good day, count your blessing and pass this along to remind everyone also how blessed we all are.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Use this in life:

Talk : Softly
Walk : Humbly
Eat : Sensibly
Breathe : Deeply
Sleep : Sufficiently
Dress : Smartly
Act : Fearlessly
Work : Patiently
Think : Truthfully
Believe: Corrrectly
Behave: Decently
Learn : Practically
Plan : Orderly
Earn : Honestly
Save : Regularly
Spend: Intelligently
Love : Passionately
Enjoy : Completely

You will feel the difference.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Human Values is Essential for World Peace

1. A man has two types of qualities - internal and external. Evil qualities like desire, anger, greed, delusion, pride and jealousy are external, while values such as truch, righteousness, peace, love and non-violence are internal. Man should internalise his vsion and develop vision of the Self.

2. Where there are truth and righteousness, there will be peace. When we have peace, love will flow within us. Then there will be no room for violence in us. Man should put is his best efforts to develop his innate human qualities. Truth is eternal and indestructible. It is neither born nor does it die. When you adhere to truth, you will lead the right path.

3. What you feel in your heart, you should speak with your tongue. When you speak with your tongue, you should put into action. Man should broaden his heart. First and foremost, develop truth in your heart and establish it firmly. When you plant truth in your heart, offshoots of Dharma will issue from it. With the growth of Dharma, you will attain peace. When you have peace. your love will become broad and universal. Then the difference of mine and thine will disappear and love will reign supreme everywhere. As a result, violence will disappear from the face of the earth.

4. To be born is a worry, to be on the earth is a worry; world is a cause of worry and death too; entire childhood is a worry and so is the old age; life is a worry, failure is a worry; all actions and difficulties cause worry; even happiness too is a mysterious worry. Devotion to God alone will put an end to all your worries. Develop such devotion and love in God.

5. Develop love for God to get rid of your worries. This is the divine cure for all your worries. Chanting the name of God can bring all types of worries to an end.

Thursday, April 26, 2007



STRONG - When you take your grief and teach it to smile.
BRAVE - When you overcome your fear and help others to do the same.
HAPPY - When you see a flower and are thankful for the blessing.
LOVING - When your pain does not blind you to the pain of others.
WISE - When you know the limits of your wisdom.
TRUE - When you admit there are times you fool yourself.
GROWING - When you know what you are but not what you will become.
FREE - When you are in control of yourself and not wish to control other.
GENEROUS - When you can take as sweetly as you can give.
HUMBLE - When you do not know how humble you are.
THOUGHTFUL - When you see me just as I am and treat me just as you are.
MERCIFUL - When you forgive in others the falult that you condemn in yourself.
BEAUTIFUL - When you do not need a mirror to tell you.
RICH - When you do not need more than what you have.
YOU - When you are at peace with who you are not.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Help Ever Hurt Never

1. Truth has no form, whatever we see is the truth. Truth is the manifestation of Brahman. Truth is one but not two. But one has to make an effort to realise the truth. Truth assumes infinite forms. Similarly, Brahman assumes infinite number of forms. Yet, Brahman is one only, that is why it is said "Brahma sathyam Jagan mithya" (Brahman alone is real, the world is a mistaken perception). Everything else is the reflection of Brahman, nothing else.

2. Truth is one, yet it is called by different names and assumes many different forms. Everything in this universe is born out of truth. Dharma (righteousness) has emerged out of Sathya. Sathyannasti Paro Dharma (There is no Dharma greater than adherence to truth). When truth and righteousness unite, peace is the result. From peace comes love. This love envelopes one and all. There is no place in this world where love is not present. Similarly, there is no place in this world where truth is not present.

3. Try to protect the poor, provide succour to them by giving them food, shelter, water and make them happy. Help ever, Hurt never.


Monday, April 9, 2007

Life is Good

1. A human being should speak softly, sweetly and lovingly. Only then will he experience peace. When your conduct and speech are bad, how can you have peace. Peace is not to found outside; it is within you. Outside, there are only pieces, not peace. You keep saying "I want peace; I want peace." Let your conduct be good. Then peace will flow from within you. Where from do you get truth? Can you attain truth by reading books? No! Truth is very much within you. Truth, righteousness, peace, love and non-violence are the natural qualities of a human being.

2. You may pursue any type of education; but do not forget the human values. Truth, peace, love, righteousness and non-violence are the five human values to be cultivated by a human being. Your should learn about all these values and put them into practice. Then your journey of life will surely become smooth and peaceful.

3. Truth is eternal. When you follow eternal truth hen your name will remain in the annals of history for ever. Eternal truth will earn eternal peace for you. If you succumb to bad qualities like anger, jealousy, envy and arrogance, your entire life will be filled with unrest and agitation.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Love for God

1. A man filled with love has great peace of mind, is pure of heart and is unaffected by adverse conditions, failures and losses. this strength is gained by love of the Lord which gives great self confidence. This self cofidence generates immense internal power.

2. This statement aptly describes the supremacy of love, the way it is found and the strength it gives. This transcendental, all power-giving love is reachable only by love of God. When attained, it has the power to grant us our highest aspirations, peace (no more worry or pain), purity of heart (being unpretentious, immediate, selfless and unconditionally loving) and the power to be unaffected by any circumstance.

3. Everything is contained in the purity of mind. This is a bouquet of flowers. Though the bouquet is one, there are many flowers in it. Similarly, the world is one, though it appears to be a conglomeration of many individuals. All should be one like a bouquet of flowers.

4. Love is one. It is the same in everyone. However, it assumes many forms depending upon the destiny, mind and position of each individual. A small child is called a baby, when she grows up she is called a girl. After her marriage, she is referred to as a daughter-in-law. When she has children, she is called a mother. After the passage of a number of years, she becomes a grand-mother and later a great grand-mother and so on. But the person referred to by all these names is only one. In the same way, all are one in this world. Jesus taught "All are one; be alike to everyone".

5. Truth, righteousness, peace, love and non-violence are the five human values to be cultivated by a human being. Truth is eternal. It is only when you follow this eternal truth that your name will remain in the annals of history for ever.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Life is Good

1. Truth, righteusness, peace, love and non-violence are five human values to be cultivated by a human being. You should learn all abut these human values and put them into practice. The your journey of life will surely become smooth and peaceful.

2. Not even a blade of grass will move without Divine Will. People who do not realise this truth get carried away by their pride of intelligence and learning. Bu no one, however, great he may be knows what lies ahead for him in the future.

3. Principlese to practice in daily life are given below:

(a) Search for faults and weaknesses within yourself and strive to correct them.

(b) Achieve singly-mindedness , equanimity and be free from likes and dislikes.

(c) Realise that everything is filled with love and all beings are the embodiments of love.

(d) Cultivate the habit of magnifying your faults while considering others' faults as minor.

(e) Constantly perform good deeds while being aware of the path of self-realisation.

(f) Being always aware that the Lord is omnipresent and knows everything, discriminate
between truth and falsehood.

4. A human being should speak softly, sweetly and lovingly. Only then will he experience peace. When your conduct and speech are bad, how can you have peace? Peace is not to be found outside; it is within you. Outside there are only pieces, not peace. You keep saying, "I want peace; I want peace". Let your conduct be good. Then peace will flow from within you. Where from do you get truth? Can you attain truth by reading books? No! Truth is very much within you. Truth, righteousness, peace, love and non-violence are the natural qualities of a human being.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Life is Good

1. Man can liberate himself only by knowing himself. He may master the universe but what can he claim to have known when he has not mastered himself. When he has no awareness of himself, he has no knowledge of the Knower.

2. God is the indweller of all human beings. Every human being, nay every living being is an aspect of the Divine. There is only one religion, the religion of love. One who observes differences based on religion is no human being at all. There is so much to learn even from birds and animals and in fact all creatures of the world. Religion means love.

3. Our conduct is our witness in every matter. You may live anywhere and go to any country. But you should always have good character. Love and respect everyone. Never hate anybody. Earn a good name. It is not our educational qualifications that confer greatness on us.

4. Alongwith education we should cultivate humility and obedience. Have no ego, pomp and pride. Keep your faith in GOD strong and steady. God in immanent in everyone. Names and forms may be different, but God is only one. He is present in all of us. Develop this strong conviction. Never observe the difference of high and low; all are one. Lead your life with firm faith in the Brotherhood of Man and Fatherhood of God.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Life is Good

1. Today wherever we see in the world, people are crazy for money. What can money do for you? Can it wipe the tears of sorrow? No not at all; money is only for name's sake. It can not bring real happiness. We can attain happiness only through right conduct, sacrifice and love.

2. Man today is beset with so many worries. You cannot carry on your life if you are bogged down by worries. To be born is a worry, to be on the earth is a worry, world is a cause of worry; entire childhood is a worry and so is old age; life is a worry, failure is a worry, all actions and difficulties cause worry, even happiness too is a mysterious worry. Devotion to God alone will put an end to all your worries. Develop such devotion and love in God and all your worries will be gone.
3. Though Gunas (attributes) emanate from the Lord, He is unaffected; smoke rises from the fire but fire is unaffected; clouds form in the sky and move about in the sky, but the sky is unaffected by them. All are attached to the Lord like beads but He is free, unattached. The universe is based on Him but He has no need for the universe as base.

4. Never give scope to worry; lead a life full of happiness. Love for God is the panacea for all your worries. Inculcate good qualities so that you can attain progress in life and have a bright future. If you sow the seeds of truth, righteousness, peace, love and non-violence, then the entire world will be on the right path.

5. Devotion to God does not merly mean singing songs in His praise, it implies love for God. when you develop love, all your endeavours will become sacred. Saturate your life with truth and love; then the entire world will shine resplendently. Just as a lamp spreads light all around, the light of good conduct will make the world shine.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Life is Good

1. Students, fullfill the aspirations of your parents. Your parents educate you with great expectations. If you act against their will, they will be disappointed. If you cause pain to your parents, it amounts to causing pain to God. There is no difference between God and Parents. Make your parents happy, you will not be disappointed in life.

2. Your life is a gift of your parents, hence you should love your parents whole-heartedly under all circumstances. Your mother is your first God, your father is the second. It is they who protect you and take care of you constantly. Of what use are your achievements in life if you forget your father and mother.

3. Good people will always encounter opposition from bad people. Stones are hurled only at fruit-laden trees. Similarly, good people have to face the problems created by evil-minded people; but no harm can every come to them.

4. Today there is unrest and agitation in the world; this is the state of affairs in all areas of human behaviour - social, moral, ethical and even spiritual. Man seems to have lost his humanness. From a millionairre to a pauper, everyone is behaving like a beggar. The pauper is begging for alms; the millionairre is also begging and craving for more and more money. Who is big and who is small in this profession of begging. It is the beggar because he begs because of necessity.

5. The physical, mental and intellectual power of youth is matchless. If they take a firm resolve, they can achive anything. Hence, they should utilise all their powers for the benefit of the society.

6. Our tongue is most sacred, it is the gift of God for the purpose of speaking sweet words. Hence, never use bad words and the tongue should be used in a sacred manner. Do not indulge in useless talk. If you think twice before speaking anything, you will speak four times less and will not hurt any person.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

1. God has created man so that he might wield the talent of manliness and achieve victory. His purpose is not to make man a consumer of food, a burden upon earth, an animal that is slave to its senses. He does not aim at creating a horde of idlers and loungers, who shy at hard work, and accumulating fat, grow into monstrous shapes.

2. One should never give up his duties (Karma). At the same time one should desist from aspiring for the fruits of Karma. You have right only over your actions, not on its result. Good actions will yield good results. Our actions are responsible for all our sorrows adn difficulties.

3. Children today give up good old traditions forgetting the path given by our ancestors due to the effect of modern educations. They are therefore exposed to various kinds of unrest and mental agitation. They not only suffer from restlessness but also lack of contentment and satisfaction inlife, with the result that they are becoming mentally and physically sick.

4. Therefore always have good thoughts. A person who eats good food, drinks clean water and breathes unpolluted air will remain healthy. All that we consume must always be pure. We should take daily bath, eat good food and have sound sleep. We can then lead a happy, healthy and peaceful sleep.

5. Never think that someone is putting you to trouble. You should not blame others for your difficulties and problems as our actions are responsible for our state of mind. Develop strong faith in GOD; always feel He is with me and will protect me. The sorrows and difficulties are like passing clouds. Clouds cannot over-shadow the sun for ever; they are not permanent; they come and go.

6. When your mind is disturbed and wavering, you will experience sorrows and difficulties. When your mind is clear, firm and steady with complete faith in God, worries can not disturb you.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Life is Good

1. There are many forms and branches of knowledge and there are many educated persons in the world. But education without intelligence is of little use. What is the meaning of Vidya (Education) ? Vidya does not mean bookish knowledge; it implies knowledge that come from the heart. It is eternal and changeless. Vidya connotes the knowledge of self; it is not mere secular education. Atma Vidya (Knowledge of the Self) is true knowledge.

2. In life you should face difficulties with courage reposing faith in God. If you constantly contemplate of God, no other thoughts will trouble you. Sorrows and difficulties will not effect you. You should always be happy. Happiness is union with God. You may have some physical pain or suffering or mental anxiety; but if you are firmly established in the Atma Tattwa (Principle of the Self) you will not be bothered by them.

3. Our karmas (actions) are responsible for the happiness and sorrow we experience in life. When we perform good actions, we get good results. Bad actions have bad results. Therefore, cultivate good thoughts and undertake good actions.

4. Be good, do good and see good, this is the way to God.