1. There is only one religion, the religion of love. There is only one caste, caste of humanity. There is only one language, the language of the heart.There is only one GOD and HE is omnipresent. Let different faiths exist, let them flourish. Let the glory of God be sung in all languages in a variety of tunes. Respect the differences between different faiths and recognise them as valid as long as they do extinguish the flame of unity.
2. Love all, Serve all. Help ever, hurt never. Hands that help are holier than the lips that pray. Nothing in this world has more power than love; if you have love, you can achieve everything. Love is the greatest binding force. Therefore devlop love, talk to each other with love, perform all actions with love and always contemplate on the principle of love.
3. Forbearance is truth, forbearance is righteousness, forbearance is the teaching of the Holy Books, forbearance is non-violence, forbearance is sacrifice, forbearance confers happiness and heavenly bliss; infact it is everything in all the worlds.
4. All that you see is the form of God; all heads you see belong to the cosmic form of God. You see only the external names and forms and consider them as mere mortals. When you change your outlook, you will realise that all are divine. Defect lies in your vision and not in the creation. Whatever is the colour of your glasses, the world will appear in the same colour. If you see them with hatred, you will find hatred everywhere. On the other hand, if you see the world with love, you will find love everywhere.